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September - December 2022


Speculative | UI/UX Design

Exploring gamification on consenting to cookie policies on websites through design of a web extension


Role : Research, ideation, design, user testing

Outcome : Gamified web extension that can be downloaded and used to educate users on cookie policies

Collaborators : Fatemeh Bakhshoudeh

Background +

The increasing importance and use of Big Data has led to both benefits and negative impacts. The technological advancements in data collection, storage, and processing has improved many aspects of our lives. However, the management and storage of Big Data also has a significant impact on the environment, consuming a large amount of energy. Additionally, the majority of data collected is "dark data" which is not being used and has unclear value. There is a need for designing sustainable data-driven systems and improving public awareness of the environmental and ethical implications of the use of Big Data.


Specific questions and issues to be addressed include the effects of data management on the environment, ethical considerations in design, and giving users more control over their own data.


The first phase of the project kicked off with unpacking big data through research. The aim was to gain an understanding of how data has become ubiquitous today and its impacts on the world from a societal and environmental perspective. This involved gathering information about data sharing, people's attitudes towards it, and what lies ahead for it. 

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Sustainable Data Project.jpg

Cookie Policies

After conducting research on the subject of big data, cookie policies were identified as a key area of interest. Specifically, the goal was to improve the communication of these policies to users in a way that empowered them to make informed choices about their data. We aimed to explore ways to increase user awareness and control over their cookie preferences.

Analysis of Cookie Preferences on Webpages

It became necessary to analyze existing cookie preference designs on various web pages to gain an understanding of their pain points. Upon observing the designs of a few popular web pages, it became known that cookie policies are often presented in a complex and legalistic manner, making it difficult for users to understand and control their data. This lack of user-friendliness undermines the user's agency and choice in the digital ecosystem.

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Designing a user-friendly cookie preferences page provides an opportunity to empower users with control over their data. By making the options clear and easy to understand, users can make informed choices and take ownership of their online experience. This not only improves the user's experience but also leads to trust and transparency in the digital ecosystem.


To get a better direction toward idea generation, we speculated a narrative that would help us ground our ideas to a certain reality using speculative design principles. It also provided an opportunity to involve other stakeholders in our concept apart from the end user such as government authorities and companies that profit from user data. Fleshing out the role of these stakeholders has played a small role in our project but it also impacted the course of direction that our final concept would take.


The narrative we created looked at a world where increased amounts of data generation had led to the depletion of natural resources to an extent that required government authorities to impose stricter laws which focused on effective communication of cookie policies to consumers


CookieJar is an extension that can be downloaded to your web browser, which could be used to gamify the experience of consenting to cookie policies on a website. The aim is to increase users’ agency over their data by making them more aware of cookie policies.


Although the GDPR Law provides the user a choice to withdraw consent from cookies, not many users know about it. Even if they do, website owners have created a cumbersome process for users to reject cookies. CookieJar aims to make this process more engaging and quick by gamifying it, where literal cookies block a webpage when users open it and it’s up to the user to get rid of them. This extension also aims to inform users about different types of cookies and what consenting to each type would mean by introducing keywords and information that is simple to comprehend.



Remove desired cookies through individual clicks

Landing page

Cookie Preferences

Remove desired cookies through group selection

Landing page

Reject All in single click


Designing a user-friendly cookie preferences page provides an opportunity to empower users with control over their data. By making the options clear and easy to understand, users can make informed choices and take ownership of their online experience. This not only improves the user's experience but also leads to trust and transparency in the digital ecosystem. For this project, the website of H&M was used to convey the concept.

User Testing

There were 2 rounds of user testing for the first and second prototypes. The sessions mainly focused on whether users were receptive to a different way of choosing cookie preferences. The feedback received was mixed but proved to be a great starting point to resolve the overall experience with cookie preferences.


Can get frustrating at times, would be easier to have a guide


Better than the annoying popups, its more playful


Easier to access cookies when  placed at a familiar location


Cookies conveying their types through short and simple terms


This project entailed a comprehensive examination of the realm of big data and its ramifications on society and the environment as a whole. Through a thorough analysis of the stakeholders involved, the focus was narrowed to the modification of cookie policies. The process of refining the ideas was challenging, as the broader concept was quite abstract.


Despite the challenges, the project was both engaging and enlightening, as the topic at hand is highly relevant in today's digital age. Additionally, the incorporation of gamification as a means to educate users about cookie policies was well-received. However, user testing revealed areas for improvement, yet it also served as a valuable starting point for further development in the future. Overall, this project was a highly enriching and stimulating experience.

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